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The concept of Minimalism


Minimalism is about avoiding the superfluous, and it emphasises simplicity, practicality, and elegance. According to the majority of experts, minimalism first appeared in New York (around the 1960s). It was also known as ABC art, Literalist art, Object art, or Cool art, which is entertaining. However, these days, we most commonly refer to the notion as "minimalism" or "minimalist." So, what exactly is it all about?

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”

What is Minimalism?

In terms of making the most of fewer things, it's all about "LESS IS MORE." The most widespread misperception about minimalists is that they "suffer" and "sacrifice" by having fewer stuff and less exciting experiences. To tell you the truth, it's the polar opposite. True minimalists require only a few well chosen goods and make the most of them, enriching (rather than restricting) their experience. Simply said, quantity loses out to quality. You've definitely heard of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising guru and minimalism's queen of cleaning your home and closet.

Unfortunately, our consumerist society and devotion to things rather than experiences has resulted in our assigning our material possessions far too much value. Happiness and joy would be found in life itself and the experiences it delivers for minimalists. The items in their possession have been carefully picked to not only serve you, but also to provide a significant experience to your life. Minimalists possess things that matter, things that are far more valuable than simply taking up shelf space. Furthermore, minimalism is defined by intentionality and the elimination of any potential distractions and unintended purchases. As a consequence, as a minimalist, you would only buy things that you truly need (rather than just want), and as a result, all parts of your life would improve. They'd just be more logical. Genuine minimalists have a liberation from the need to acquire (simply to have anything); it is a liberation from modern obsession.

"Minimalism is not about having less. It's about making room for more of what matters."


Minimalists live their life inside, not externally, therefore you shouldn't opt for it only to gain praise, entertainment, or adoration from your loved ones. It's about being at peace with yourself first, then with the rest of the world, not the other way around. Being a minimalist is more of a mindset than a set of laws or rigorous guidelines.

To summarise, minimalism is about prioritising, being mindful of your stuff, time, energy, and relationships, and prioritising them. Minimalists are genuine people who value simplicity and eschew the trappings of mainstream materialism. Minimalism is all about bringing out the inherent beauty, essence, and purpose of items in our lives.

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